Friday lunchtime. Dropped my car home as the windscreen was being replaced - due to a chip and a crack from a few days before. Wandered down to the bus stop, hoping a bus would come by. Waited five or ten minutes and then began to get a bit anxious about getting back to work as I didn't want to take too long a lunch break.
As I walked up the street to try another bus stop, I saw a taxi and signalled to the driver. He waivered for a minute, then stopped for me, and said 'I'm going to Woden, you can come if you are going to Woden'. My reply - ''that's great, that's where I'm going'.
The driver explained that he had just been to the mosque - it being a Friday. He was wearing his clothes for prayer, and was meeting his wife in Woden to change and to start his shift. He said, I find, when I pray that god puts thing in your way. I was pleased to get back to work in good time.